Sunday, December 28, 2008

Telepathy Part II

Part I brings me to the belief that we have been developing our telepathic abilities for millions of years now.  Today our ability to see and hear are incredibly advanced.  We have spent many years working out equations on how both of these systems work, these discoveries are used to create the incredible picture quality of our modern TVs and the spectacular sound quality of our music and films.  And to think all these calculations are basically done on autopilot in our own minds.

To hear the voice of the person standing next to you first the sound has to be made.  The person's mind sends electrical signals through the nervous system to make the larynx function in just a way in which the air we are standing in is disrupted by a specific vibration that makes it from the person's mouth to your ears.  Your ears are designed to collect these vibrations and turn them from mechanical energy into electrical energy and send a very precise signal to a very specific center in your brain.  This area of your brain will register the signal and decode it to be the message, "hello."  And that happens all the time and as far as we are concerned we don't even flinch at having to decode the vibrations from our neighbors' larynx, we just know it.  Yet scientists and audio technicians have spent hundreds of years to figure out what our mind knows instinctively.

Our ability to read what people write to us might even be more amazing.  First we need the person next to you to write or draw something on a piece of paper, then light from the Sun or a nearby lamp reflects off the paper and into your eyes.  Your eye has receptors called rods and cones in it, these will recognize the very narrow range of visible light and turn the minute waves from mechanical energy into electrical signals which are sent from the retina to the sections of your brain responsible for vision.  This signal is decoded in these sections of the brain then distributed to other parts of the brain (our memory) to decipher the signals as a word we know or an image we recognize.  All this happens in the blink of an eye.  Our video cameras are getting pretty good at mimicking this task, but that technology is just about 100 years old, this is all very new to humans.  But for our brains this is old news, a child's game.

Telepathy is here, we use it everyday.  This blog is a perfect example.  I am allowing people with similar interests as me to read my thoughts.  You are being allowed to see what's on my mind.  Unfortunately many people lie and are deceptive with the things they say and write,,, so the truth is often very difficult to attain.  I promise you, I am not a liar.  I might be wrong about stuff but I do not think I am lying, this is the truth as I have come to understand it.  I would imagine if you read enough of my writings perhaps you would become skilled enough to predict other things about me.  Or at very least gain enough insite to predict what I might write about next.  So, can you guess?

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